Just yesterday my mind was filled with all of Mariah Carey's song.
All old and new (E=MC2) and obviously plus the funny american idol of 'Ken Lee.
Now, this instance only i realise that i actually know all of Mariah Carey's Songs,
and the weirdess thinsg is i actually like them.
Wow, can't belive that i actually like Mariah Carey's songs.
She is really a diva, i feel teh emotions in her when i see her sing.
Great feeling.
Before this,
a few weeks ago, my tutor, Mr. Yusof was talking about Mariah Carey and all,
I didn't belive that she was taht great and dont recall any of her songs,
and now, its all in my head,
where it should fill with my coming exams' notes i 9th, 12th, and 15th of this month.
but as u all know ,
songs are more eaier to get in people's mind than teh old boring notes.
but life goes on that i have to get serious on my exams now
coz its getting NEARER.
so, BYE for now and i will get back soon.