Friday, January 18, 2008

Bistro 1900, Paris

This evocative little place is on one of the oldest little courtyards in Paris, called Cour du Commerce St. Andre.

The cobblestones are the old style stones, large and multisized.
The sidewalk too is ancient.

This was already one of the courtyards in the 1500's when Philippe Auguste built the wall around historic Paris.

Just down the way is Le Procope, the oldest traditional cafe in the world, opened in the 1600's, when Louis XIV was king.

At the time coffee was the new exciting drink, that excited the mind and loosened the tongue. Coffee and tea houses were also springing up in England.

And here is a detail from the side of the cafe, one of its cheefully decorated windows.

This little courtyard gives on to Cour de Rohan, an equally ancient place.
All the people who have walked here, loved here, had intrigues, planned revolutions,
walked through on the way to the market, stopped to visit friends,
looked up at the sky, thought about their loved ones,

felt afraid of the king or a lord or felt proud to serve the king,
ran after a carriage, got off a horse, enjoyed the sun,
ran for shelter from the rain or snow....
wondered when the war would be over, idled happily on the corner,
celebrated holidays, saw the moon waxing and waning as it made its way across the night sky.

It is just a dream to be in a place like this. Truly.
And kudos to France for protecting and maintaining her national cultural treasures.

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